Thursday, July 21, 2011

A New Beginning :)

Well I'm going to try out this blogging thing and we'll see how it goes... :) For those of you who don't know me, or know much ABOUT me I'll try to sum up my life in my first little blog...
I grew up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and married my high school sweetheart when we were both 20. Best decision I ever made if I do say so myself :). We've lived in quite a few types of places, most recently a two bedroom apartment. When I got pregnant (yay!!!) we decided to move and get a bigger place, which comes to the reason why I'm starting this blog in the first place. I've been reading a blog for a good couple of months now called Young House Love which is just totally inspirational to me. I was wondering if I could pull off blogging about this time in my life and still manage to keep everything under control... LoL! After contacting the couple who write YHL I decided to jump in with both feet and try and document this time in my life. What's the worst that could happen? I don't want to forget anything about this time and this seems to be an easy way to keep track of life, as well as make some new friends :) All that being said here are some current stats about me and my hubby -
*My name is Sarah and my husband's name is Jason. *
*Jack Winchester is what we're naming our baby*
*We have two dogs, Cinnamon and Louie, who are both 3 and littermates, and one cat, Echo, who is 9 months old and belongs more to Cinnamon than she does to us... LoL!*
*We are moving on August 1st and I'll be 31 weeks and two days along on that day (and I think I bit off a little more than I can chew on this particular project)*
*We go to church and are very active in our participation. I teach MPact and Jason teaches Royal Rangers and we absolutely LOVE it :) *
* I work from home watching my neices and nephew for my brother and sister-in-law, it's the best job I have ever had and I wouldn't trade it for the world*
*You pronounce our last name "star" which is why I added the play on words in my blog title ^ *
If I have anything else to add I will, other than that... Wish me luck! :)


  1. hey girlie. you got a blog!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh! it is so much fun. i'm following you by the way. follow me back, if you get a chance. my blog is

  2. Glad to see you have a blog! I'm already following you on GFC. :)

    I have a blog too at if you want to follow.

    Can't wait to see more from you!
